Join our club

Note: pricing is shown on this page.

Only club members (and affiliated visitors) are permitted to shoot at the club, so to join our club, you must meet at least one these three criteria:

  1. New to the sport: have successfully completed a beginner’s course within the past twelve months at:
    • Adelaide Archery Club (our beginner program is described on this page), or
    • Any club affiliated with Archery Australia* (please supply proof of course attendance).
  2. Experienced archer and member of a club (please show your card): you can transfer to our club:
    • You are a financial member of a club affiliated with Archery Australia*, or
    • You are a financial member of an accredited overseas club, or
    • You were a financial member within the past twelve months (i.e. membership has recently lapsed).
  3. Experienced archer but non-member:
    • You were a financial member of a club affiliated with Archery Australia* (but it was more than 12 months ago), and
    • We assess you (using this checklist) as a safe and competent archer (by a Club Coach or a Field Captain), and
    • You then shoot as a temporary member, paying the appropriate fees, for a period of four weeks, to learn how the club operates.

If you meet one of the above criteria, you can apply to join the club:

  • Complete a Membership Application form, which will be accepted at the next monthly General Meeting. A completed membership form can also be emailed to the Membership Officer.
  • If you’d like to shoot prior to your application being accepted, you can complete a Temporary Membership Application (bring it with you to the club).
  • We have equipment that can be hired (for a fee).
  • If you are not sure you want to commit to join our club, you can take up our 4-week trial membership, after which if your wish to keep shooting, you must apply for membership.

You can Contact Us if you have further queries.

* or a club affiliated with World Archery, or the Archery Alliance of Australia.